TriMech Training Tidbits: Assembly Modeling - Level 1
During this webinar, we will build a simplified bulldozer assembly and learn about the basics of SolidWorks assembly modeling along the way. We will start a new assembly file, add components to the file with various methods, mate components together with various methods, and learn about additional tips and tricks that can help save time while assembly modeling. The same types of tips and tricks can be found in our SolidWorks Essentials modeling class but are performed with a different model. The type of assembly modeling you will see is known as bottom-up assembly modeling; top-down assembly modeling will likely be covered in a future webinar.
The important details about starting an assembly file are to make sure there is a fixed base component that doesn’t move. We can add other components to an assembly file through the insert component command or various other drag and drop methods. After the components are inserted, they are positioned in the assembly file with mates. We will see the mate tool in action, adding mates with the context toolbar, and smart mates while putting the bulldozer components together. Then we will discuss subassemblies and copying components with the mates you previously applied to save time. After the assembly is built, we will learn about using breadcrumbs to easily interrogate the assembly feature tree without having to dig through the different levels.
If you enjoy what you see during this webinar, remember that TriMech offers multiple training courses full of useful information. The material covered in this webinar is from our SolidWorks Essentials class. Classes are designed to help new users as well as veteran users learn the most recent methods and shortcuts to use SolidWorks the most efficient way possible. There is even a training passport offered from time to time that will allow you to take multiple courses at a greatly reduced price. For more information about courses offered or to reach out to us, please visit our website SOLIDWORKS Solutions & Engineering Services from TriMech.
Key Takeaways:
Starting an assembly file
Inserting additional components to the assembly file
Mating components (Mate tool, context menu shortcut, smart mates)
Subassemblies and copying components with mates
Breadcrumbs to navigate complex feature trees quickly