
TriMech Power Suite Enhances SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional

April 08, 2024
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional provides extensive options for control of documents and improved productivity using automation. The TriMech Power Suite’s feature set enhances SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional’s core functionality, providing users and administrators with additional capabilities to improve productivity and control in the vault.

Join us as TriMech Systems Architect, Data Management, Andrew Lidstone, discusses the four main features of TriMech's Power Suite.

In this webinar, you will learn:
- The SOLIDWORKS Property feature: The SOLIDWORKS Property feature allows a user to easily scan SOLIDWORKS files and discover all custom or configuration-specific properties for easy reporting and modification.
- The SOLIDWORKS Update feature: The SOLIDWORKS Update feature allows the PDM Administrator to update and change features on SOLIDWORKS files after a version upgrade, preventing end-users from having to manually check out and saving files in a PDM Professional vault to the latest release.
- The PDM Property feature: The TriMech PDM Property feature allows users to change the variable values that are currently stored in your PDM Professional database.
- The Sync feature: The PDM Sync feature provides scheduled caching of folders in PDM.