
Restoring SOLIDWORKS PDM Backups

July 30, 2024
In this day and age, almost everyone is aware of the importance of backing up data. Even my parents make backups of the 100s of photos they take on a vacation or scan images of important documents to be saved in case of the original being destroyed. More critical however than family photos and insurance documents from 20 years ago is your company's IP: the design data used to be profitable. Keeping that data intact in the event of any unexpected, destructive event is imperative to the future success of the company. The most important pieces of information to backup with SOLIDWORKS PDM are the Archive Server and the SQL Database associated with our vault. With everything backed up… how do we restore that in case of emergency?

Join us as TriMech Elite Application Engineer, Sawyer Gara, discusses how to properly restore your SOLIDWORKS PDM System in the event of an emergency (or even just to test the viability of your backups). First, we’ll talk about restoring the Archive Server: where the directory is and how to recover the files. Then onto the SQL Database where the procedure is laid out step-by-step while mentioning some common pitfalls to avoid. The final step in restoring a PDM System is to recover the Archive Server Settings. The presentation is capped off with a discussion on the benefits to creating a Sandbox PDM Environment and how to do so safely and efficiently.

•Key Takeaways:
- Review Effective Backup Strategies
- Replacing SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive
- Restoring SOLIDWORKS PDM SQL Database
- Reinstituting SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server Settings
- Raising a SOLIDWORKS PDM Sandbox Environment