Representing Different Types of Cables in SOLIDWORKS Electrical
SOLIDWORKS Electrical is the industry leading Electrical Schematic design tool that can handle your most complex designs. One of the biggest benefits of SOLIDWORKS Electrical is the level of flexibility available for different types of electrical systems. This is none more apparent than working with cables. SOLIDWORKS Electrical has incredible support for all different types of cables from commercial off the shelf to fully custom built-in-house cables.
Join TriMech Elite Application Engineer, Sawyer Gara, as we discuss how SOLIDWORKS Electrical handles both simple and complex cables. We start with creating a new off-the-shelf cable and adding it to our Electrical Library. From there, we will place that cable into our schematic and talk about how that shows up on the Bill of Material and other electrical reports. On the topic of BOMs, we’ll be sure to discuss how to add accessory components that might go into a cable assembly. After handling off-the-shelf cables, the webinar will dive deeper into other cable representations for SOLIDWORKS Electrical including shielded, flying lead, and fabricated cables. If you ever interact with cable schematics, you won’t want to miss this webinar!
Key Takeaways:
Learn how to add cables to Electrical Schematic Library
Associate Wires to Cable Cores
Add accessory cable components to assemblies
Represent different types of electrical cables