
Basketball Backboard SOLIDWORKS Simulation Breakdown

February 27, 2024
In the 1981-1982 NBA season, new breakaway rims were introduced to replace the older bolted style rims. Breakaway rims were designed to reduce the impact on player’s dunking the ball, and to minimize damage to the rim and backboard. How much force were the old rims seeing that led to this decision? A SOLIDWORKS simulation is perfect to help determine how much force is produced when a player dunks on an older style rim.

This webinar will walk through a linear static simulation on the forces coming down on a basketball rim, and how these forces impact the backboard. The SOLIDWORKS model will be prepared for the simulation before setting up a study. The results will be analyzed to see why the decision was made for the NBA to switch to the new style of breakaway rims.

•Key Takeaways:

- Breakaway rim vs bolted rim differences
- Preparing a Simulation on a bolted rim and backboard
- Setting up the study for a bolted rim and backboard
- Analyzing the results of a study