Streamlining LPBF Powder Management with One Click Metal's MPrint and MPurePro

The laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) process is a game-changer in the metal additive manufacturing industry, offering unparalleled design freedom and the ability to create intricate, high-performance parts. However, traditional LPBF printers often require complex and time-consuming powder management procedures, including manual sieving and in-printer postprocessing. These steps can lead to extended downtimes and operational inefficiencies.
One Click Metal’s MPrint LPBF printer and MPurePro powder management system bring an innovative approach to powder handling and postprocessing, designed to simplify and optimize workflows. Unlike typical LPBF systems, where postprocessing tasks can monopolize the printer, One Click Metal's solution features separate powder recovery and built-in automation. The use of powder containers for both supply and overflow, an integrated automated sieve, and a standalone powder retrieval system allows users to start new print jobs while managing powder from previous builds—streamlining productivity and reducing turnaround times.
Join TriMech Applications Engineer, Andrew Miller, as we explore the fundamentals of LPBF printing and examine the distinct advantages of One Click Metal’s powder management approach. We’ll also compare the process to generic LPBF systems, illustrating how the MPrint and MPurePro systems can reduce operational downtime, improve material efficiency, and simplify maintenance for users at any experience level.
In this 3D Printing Webinar, you will learn:
Introduction to LPBF printing technology and its applications
Overview of One Click Metal’s MPrint printer and MPurePro Powder Management System
Comparison of One Click Metal’s approach to traditional LPBF postprocessing steps